British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 340

CNN: Between 200 to 300 bodies found in Japanese coastal city of Sendai, the Kyodo news agency reports.

Quote: zooo @ March 11 2011, 1:46 PM GMT

Why is Godzilla trending? :(

Is that because people are frickin' idiots?

Quote: john lucas 101 @ March 11 2011, 2:03 PM GMT

Is that because people are frickin' idiots?

I can believe a few people would make some Godzilla joke, but for it to be trending? That's a lot of idiots.

I wonder what happened to the boat that was in the massive whirlpool, and if there were still people on it. What happens when you reach the middle?

Quote: Lee Henman @ March 11 2011, 1:40 PM GMT

Update: Oh this isn't looking good - just reading some posts from a seismologist who's talking about Jellystone making unusual rumblings in the past few hours. Let's hope the big bastard stays asleep and he'll be screwed, f**k you Yogi.

Is there no goodness in your heart?

Quote: DaButt @ March 11 2011, 2:02 PM GMT

CNN: Between 200 to 300 bodies found in Japanese coastal city of Sendai, the Kyodo news agency reports.

It'll be more like thousands I imagine. Awful.

Yeah, but it will be weeks before most of them are found.

It is terrible.

Friends, family and coworkers in Hawaii and on the west coast are being moved to higher ground. Looks like 8-foot waves in Hawaii with little damage.

Japanese TV are saying 88,000 missing.

Quote: bigfella @ March 11 2011, 3:00 PM GMT

Japanese TV are saying 88,000 missing.

I don't see that anywhere but on Twitter. Be wary of such information until it is confirmed.

Just watched videos from this morning's news reports. It's awful. So so scary.

Quote: DaButt @ March 11 2011, 3:03 PM GMT

I don't see that anywhere but on Twitter. Be wary of such information until it is confirmed.

Its on the BBC "live" website bit.

But we all know the news agencies like to add a bit of drama.

Quote: bigfella @ March 11 2011, 3:09 PM GMT

Its on the BBC "live" website bit.

But we all know the news agencies like to add a bit of drama.

They are quoting the Kyodo news agency but Kyodo's site says 350 missing. Someone appears to be jumping the gun.

Waves of 2-5 feet are going to hit California.
That'll just be like normal surf won't it?

Would be weird to see them though, knowing they were the waves connected to the quake.

Quote: zooo @ March 11 2011, 3:19 PM GMT

Waves of 2-5 feet are going to hit California.
That'll just be like normal surf won't it?

That's 2-5 feet above normal. Tsunamis aren't like typical waves, they just roll in and keep going. I doubt California has much to worry about but it'll probably cause damage to docks, flood some parking lots and bang some boats around in marinas.

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