British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 624

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2011, 10:10 PM GMT

I just hope they don't tie themselves in knots with it.

Apparently Moffat has known where it would go right from her first appearance, so that hopefully means he's been stearing towards something, as opposed to making it up as they go along, like Lost.

Quote: KLRiley @ March 10 2011, 10:13 PM GMT

*zooo's Dr Who mojo has gone* :(

Not the same without Him Teary

Fairweather fans, begone! It's not The David Tennant Show.

I did like the way they strecthed out the final Tenant specials.
Took me a while to get over them all

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 10:14 PM GMT

Apparently Moffat has known where it would go right from her first appearance, so that hopefully means he's been stearing towards something, as opposed to making it up as they go along

Mm, there were a fair few moments in the last series when logic went out the window.

Hehe. It is true that Smith isn't half as good as Tennant. But he is great, and could be fantastic - with the right companion to play off. Or no companion. Whatever.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 10:14 PM GMT

Apparently Moffat has known where it would go right from her first appearance, so that hopefully means he's been stearing towards something, as opposed to making it up as they go along, like Lost.

Yes, that should mean it'll be pretty darn good.

Quote: zooo @ March 10 2011, 10:16 PM GMT

Hehe. It is true that Smith isn't half as good as Tennant.

You're right.

(I think he's even better)

You're lying to yourself... *shakes head*

Not fairweather at all. But feel that Matt Smith hasn't really had 'his scripts' yet. Perhaps the next series will feel more like his rather than tryong to tie up many many loose ends that the Moff had trailed from a while back. Or not as we have now rebooted the Universe.

But really could do without Pond. Rory could stay and fill the role of vacant sidekick until we find perchance an alien with a bit of savvy rather than these random teenagers/twenty somethings.

Quote: zooo @ March 10 2011, 10:20 PM GMT

You're lying to yourself... *shakes head*

I think one of the things I like about Smith, is he's back to The Doctor being a not so obvious matinee hero. Tennant was terrific, but he was very definitely the handsome hero; Smith is back to a more unlikely seeming hero; a more offbeat and weird Doctor again.

I like Amy & I even grew to not mind Donna
But I do feel they try to make the female assistants too feisty these days for the sake of it.
As if to distance themselves from the equally bad screamy superfluous assistants of Old Who

Very true, feisty seems a default character trait for a lot of female characters.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 10:28 PM GMT

I think one of the things I like about Smith, is he's back to The Doctor being a not so obvious matinee hero. Tennant was terrific, but he was very definitely the handsome hero;


Listening to some of the adaptations of the Tom Baker stuff on 7 and Sarah-Jane is decided feistier than I can distantly remember her being in the TV version.

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2011, 10:31 PM GMT



I loved Rose, I quite liked Donna.

But for god's sake, try a male companion! Ring the bloody changes!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 10 2011, 10:35 PM GMT


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