British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,511

billwill you little whore.

Quote: Leevil @ March 7 2011, 7:19 PM GMT

billwill you little whore.

< BCG "Status Report" topic grinds to a halt for 27 minutes and 26 seconds, while all the regular postees watch BillWill's PrOgRammiNg videos. >

:P :D Laughing out loud Whistling nnocently Cool

I've got vics vapour rub :) it makes my chest and neck all warm and lovely!!!

I haven't used that since I was about 6!

It smelled nice though.


Ellie doesn't like it. Not one bit. Now is ill! :(

Uh oh. A too much stress/work type of ill?

I just satisfied my carnivorous urges with a nice T-bone steak and a baked potato.


Did you have any sauces or anything?

Or did the beer wash it down. :)

Quote: EllieJP @ March 7 2011, 11:03 PM GMT

Ellie doesn't like it. Not one bit.

Your new job?

It's sacrilege to put sauce on a good steak. It was sprinkled with Montreal Seasoning (mostly salt and pepper with another spice or two blended in) and I enjoyed every bite of it. Juicy, flavorful and tender as could be.

No beer yet but the odds are good that a neighbor will text me in search of a drinking partner. They're probably out on the street right now.

That's just such a weird plate of food to me! A HUGE hunk of meat and a huge plain potato.
My mum would say that plate should have something green on it.

Quote: zooo @ March 7 2011, 11:35 PM GMT

That's just such a weird plate of food to me! A HUGE hunk of meat and a huge plain potato.
My mum would say that plate should have something green on it. And then gob on it,

Is that why you're barred from Harvester?


A big glob of artery-clogging butter and a sprinkling of cheddar were added to the potato before I ate it. I thought about cooking up some broccoli or asparagus but I knew the steak and potato would fill me up and didn't want to waste any food.

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