British Comedy Guide

The Sitcom Mission 2011 Page 35

No flatshares, didn't even mention the economy, no zombies, no human zoo, complete absence of wheelchairs. Looking good so far.
But generic characters? Damn. Back to the day job.

Thanks for the update Declan.

Oh crap! my script did mention making money but nothing about the economic down turn.

I hope my script impresses/ed you guys.

Wish I had Declan's power

Can he fly??

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 6 2011, 8:33 PM GMT

Can he fly??

I suspect so ;)

Worldly wise kids with immature parents?

Everything's been done, it's just a case of giving it a fresh eye, or new twist. Or just doing it really well.

I think a lot of tropes turn up in Shakesperean comedies

Pah people always want money for old tropes.

Quote: Griff @ March 6 2011, 10:53 PM GMT

Her examples:

"Who are you and what have you done with ___?"
"Did I say that out loud?"
"...if that's your real name"
"Too much information!" and its brother (hand over ears) "La la la".
Also we have "Was it something I said?" And "That didn't come out right." Or "That came out wrong."
And finally "That went well," and its sister, "He seems nice".

I'm sure I like sitcoms that include all these, and it doesn't bother me. In fact I'd be amazed if most of the top comedies of all time (use your own definition if you like) don't include them. As long as they aren't overdone, what's the problem?

Quote: Griff @ March 6 2011, 10:53 PM GMT

Espenson's not really talking about scenarios. Obviously those can always be brought up to date.

She's on about individual lines, jokes, observations that have been done to death.

Her examples:

"Who are you and what have you done with ___?"
"Did I say that out loud?"
"...if that's your real name"
"Too much information!" and its brother (hand over ears) "La la la".
Also we have "Was it something I said?" And "That didn't come out right." Or "That came out wrong."
And finally "That went well," and its sister, "He seems nice".

Oh yeah, I was posting in reply to Sooty's immature parents, wise kids show set up.

Comedy is the familiar unfamiliar.

So of course it's strongly based on familiar routines.

Quote: Griff @ March 6 2011, 10:53 PM GMT

Espenson's not really talking about scenarios. Obviously those can always be brought up to date. She's on about individual lines, jokes, observations that have been done to death. Her examples: "Who are you and what have you done with ___?" "Did I say that out loud?" "...if that's your real name" "Too much information!" and its brother (hand over ears) "La la la". Also we have "Was it something I said?" And "That didn't come out right." Or "That came out wrong." And finally "That went well," and its sister, "He seems nice".

Friends used all of them and that seems as fresh now as when I first saw it. Plus I like Espenson but she's done some dreary shit.

What was the last genuinely orginal comedy anyone saw?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 6 2011, 11:01 PM GMT

Oh yeah, I was posting in reply to Sooty's immature parents, wise kids show set up.

For a second that looked like you were calling Sooty's parents immature! Laughing out loud

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