British Comedy Guide

Newsjack - Series 4 Page 42

Oh well, that's the 'Radio 2 invite' contest over.... many of you got a personal invite to today's Q&A?

Quote: Jinky @ March 3 2011, 9:06 PM GMT

You missed one. Get on and you don't know why.

i.e. you get a credit but nothing in the show sounds like it was written by you.

Happened to me once.

You're right. Phantom pains are no less real to the amputee.

No invitation. :(

Quote: Jinky @ March 4 2011, 11:43 AM GMT

Oh well, that's the 'Radio 2 invite' contest over.... many of you got a personal invite to today's Q&A?

I got one, but I think it's just the general email to everyone (apart from Blenkinsop :() so I wasn't flattered.

Incidentally I got one liner on NJ last series but nothing this series. I've sent stuff for every show but they've obviously not deemed it good enough. I wonder if there is a danger that keeping on posting them stuff they reject will tarnish their view of you as a writer? Perhaps I'm being paranoid :) Would also be nice if there was an open submission show on radio that wasn't topical.

Quote: Jinky @ March 4 2011, 11:43 AM GMT

Oh well, that's the 'Radio 2 invite' contest over.... many of you got a personal invite to today's Q&A?

I got the super secret, super personal Newsjack bat signal. They used to project a picture of the face of Miles Jupp, but that was too ambiguous so now it's just a massive silver spoon.

Quote: Trabs @ March 4 2011, 10:48 AM GMT

From getting a sketch and a one-liner on the last series of Newsjack, I have been contacted from BBC Spout (part of BBC Comedy Online) and asked if I wanted to submit material. I got my first commission from them last month. I also got contacted from a new pilot show soon to be made on Radio 2 and asked if I wanted to send stuff in, which I have done. Both these opportunities came about directly from submitting to Newsjack and the team their passing on my details to other producers at the BBC.

I have also used my Radio and Online credits to pimp myself around some contacts I have in TV, and am getting taken more seriously than I have been before. Could have a shout at a new online web-drama with a decent sized indie at the end of this month off the back of it.

It's all long shot stuff, and the idea of writing for a living is still very much a pipe-dream, but my experiences so far with Newsjack, is that it can lead to other opportunities.

As you can probably all tell from the stuff I have posted in critique I am pretty new to comedy writing. My first step has been just getting advice from others such as yourselves and trying to follow that advice. I have found this forum and many of it's members to be really helpful not only in identifying opportunities such as newsjack but also in learning structure, style and content. If anthing I write ever makes it on to the show I will have reached the pinnicle of my short (for want of a better phrase) writing career so far but if not, then I will keep plugging away, writing in different styles for different opportunities. I think it is fantastic that for some of you NJ has lead to other shows and I hope you all have every success, but for me (and I suspect many others) at present just having something read and commented upon either in a negative or positive way has boosted my confidence immensely.
Step One Get things out there and read.
Step Two listen to what people think.
Step Three try and try again.
Step Four would ideally be to get something performed somewhere but in my head. Beyond that?

No BBC Spout e-mail.

No BBC Radio 2 e-mail.

But 2 invites to the web-chat. That's got to be worth something right?

Just listened to last night's show and I see three breast milk lines survived the cut. That puts references to breast milk on par with references to the Middle East / North Africa revolts!

One thing that was interesting from recording to transmission was how they cut sketches - two in particular the High Speed Railway children and the Speak to Gay Sportsmen in your area. Both had one huge laugh early in the sketch and then had about a minute of other stuff. I see both ended up as short punchy ones. (To be fair that was probably the best thing to do.)

Ok, don't shoot me but... Does anyone else think NewsFox is just the same joke every week? Communists / NHS / mis-pronunciation of UK. (I felt the same with NewsBullet but it survived for nearly 3 series.) There I said it.

And another NewsDog sketch recorded and not broadcast. Will we ever hear the NewsDog jingle on Radio 7?

Congrats to everyone who got something on. I lost count slightly but there was the Revolution app and 2 people claiming NOT to have written the Nick Clegg interview. What else did people get on?

Quote: StephenM @ March 4 2011, 12:10 PM GMT

Ok, don't shoot me but... Does anyone else think NewsFox is just the same joke every week? Communists / NHS / mis-pronunciation of UK. (I felt the same with NewsBullet but it survived for nearly 3 series.) There I said it.

Have to agree. Stephen, was there any other film parody sketches that were recorded but not broadcast?


Web chat, 25-minute warning:

Although, they've already started answering questions! Everything's early this week!


Is the number of invites to the webchat proportional to how bad one's submission are? Just curious as I have a batting average for submissions that would shame even Ricky Ponting at present and I seem to have a lot of invites in my inbox...

Quote: KLRiley @ March 4 2011, 12:35 PM GMT

Is the number of invites to the webchat proportional to how bad one's submission are? Just curious as I have a batting average for submissions that would shame even Ricky Ponting at present and I seem to have a lot of invites in my inbox...

Don't thnk they can be, given that I haven't received any invites and my submissions have all to date gone down, erm...silently! ;)

Quote: StephenM @ March 4 2011, 12:10 PM GMT

No BBC Spout e-mail.

No BBC Radio 2 e-mail.

But 2 invites to the web-chat. That's got to be worth something right?

No Spout email, but I got the Radio 2 email. 3 different webchat invites!

Quote: KLRiley @ March 4 2011, 12:35 PM GMT

Is the number of invites to the webchat proportional to how bad one's submission are?


Quote: StephenM @ March 4 2011, 12:10 PM GMT

Congrats to everyone who got something on. I lost count slightly but there was the Revolution app and 2 people claiming NOT to have written the Nick Clegg interview. What else did people get on?

I got two corrections on, the Jim Davidson one, and the replacement rail consultation process. Broadcast pretty much as I wrote them, apart from being rejigged into Corrections...

Me neither. I obviously ask the questions they're afraid of!

Like 'Sportsmen as biscuits'...

</lame Fighting Talk joke no-one understands>


In yer face you two!!! :)

Webchat invite for me!!! :)

Quote: swerytd @ March 4 2011, 1:03 PM GMT

Me neither. I obviously ask the questions they're afraid of!

Like 'Sportsmen as biscuits'...

</lame Fighting Talk joke no-one understands>


Laughing out loud

I'm with you always love a Martin Kelner / FT reference.

Quote: Humberfloob @ March 4 2011, 12:18 PM GMT

Have to agree. Stephen, was there any other film parody sketches that were recorded but not broadcast?


No, no Newsjack films recorded this week. Sorry.

Quote: swerytd @ March 4 2011, 1:03 PM GMT

Me neither. I obviously ask the questions they're afraid of!

Like 'Sportsmen as biscuits'...

</lame Fighting Talk joke no-one understands>


Yeah. You were terrifying at 12.40. No idea how James coped with the searching soul searing interrogation to which you subjected them.

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