British Comedy Guide

Charlie Sheen Says Page 2

Quote: ShoePie @ March 3 2011, 5:28 PM GMT

A buddy of yours apparently, Dick Jones? From Robocop?

I Dugg and Reddit it.

Ah, I think I know who that would be...

Cheers for the Dugging and Redditing. What's that other thing the kids are using these days - Tweeter?

Quote: David Bussell @ March 3 2011, 5:30 PM GMT

Cheers for the Dugging and Redditing.

Sounds disgusting!


Cheers, bro bag.

Bah. If I were at home I'd try share it on StubleUpon, but I'm not. Also, I haven't watched it yet. I should do that.

Just linked it on Facebook and my friends are sharing the shit out of it. If everyone does this, you'll go viral like Sooty's mum.

Okay I've put it on StumbleUpon for you.

Those of you wityh a stumbleupon account, follow this link and 'like' it.

Nice one David.
I could see this going down well

Video link in first post not working for me.

Or have I broken it.

Ah, watched it on Nat's Facebook. Funny!

Great stuff!

I concur. Great stuff.

It's a lorralaffs!

Nice one! Enjoyed...

Thanks very much, all.

Ha! That's brilliant - great idea, great execution.

Big ups from the owl guys!

Good one Dave. Let's hope it's a biggy.

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