Wednesday 23rd February 2011 12:17am
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: Nogget @ February 22 2011, 5:18 PM GMT
Cold callers ( as if they aren't bad enough anyway) who get indignant when you don't want to talk to them. I had one today who turned up, and I told him I don't need to buy anything; the smartarse started saying "what, you don't need to buy *anything*? No food, no clothes?".
I can't be bothered to spend any time ranting to them about it, what I need is a big hidden death pit for them to plummet into as I shut the door.
Just say, "Sorry, I haven't got my hearing aid in, I'll go get it". Then go inside and shut the door & forget them.

Quote: zooo @ February 22 2011, 5:48 PM GMT
He said he was going to ask her some questions to see if she was eligible for some offer, he asked if she was between 35 and 45, she said no, and he hung up. The rude f**ker.
Yes, I find most cold callers are doing that nowadays.
I think perhaps the kids who were never caned at school for being rude to their elders, have now reached the age where they get jobs as cold callers.