Was hoping to make a quiet entrance.
Right, well - as you're all looking at me and the music has stopped...
I'm Dean - based in the Midlands just south of Birmingham, but when I'm abroad - I'm nearer to Stratford-upon-Avon if anyone asks.
I'm liking the fact that my first word typed in a post here is "Shit". Hoping it's not ironic and relavant to my comedy.
Actually joined after reading Tony Coward's advice and also Nat Wick's experience in starting stand-up (have followed both on Twitter - update your feeds!!)
Nat - glad that I joined now to read your exploits - was able to read it through from idea to latest gig. Would've been agonising to read as it happened!
I use too many words.
Will be looking forward to witty banter and the occasional troll beating?