Does anyone remember Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolf, III ?????? He was a regular on the same show that Pub AL first broke through as a weekly regular. It was a weekly stand up comedy show on Friday or Saturday nights at about 11:30 on BBC 2 a few years back.
I think there were about six shows in the series. The Rev was quite f**ken funny on some of those shows. The audience didn't quite know what to make of him. Apparently he is Scottish but puts on this flawless bible-thumping Texan accent.
It seems his career did not take off from that show, certainly nothing like AL the Publican.
But there's still time.
Just found this:
And I just found this quote about him:
"He looked like a missionary from the Church of Satan’s Little Helpers, a dishevelled and dissolute minister from the deep fried southern states of America, just calling in to say a few words on his way to Hell."
Hey Rev! Where you be?!
I gots the Dutch dank and the Draino on tap!!