I like rodents and I like bread. But not together!

I like rodents and I like bread. But not together!
Every so often my netbook screen starts to flicker, sometimes for quite a while and frenetically. Is there anything I can do to fix it myself, like could it be that the battery is lose? Or do I need to take it to a shop and pay through the nose for someone to 'take a look' at it?
If it was the battery it would turn off every time it flickered, not just come back on. It's more likely to be a fault with graphics card or the wires connecting it to the screen (VERY common in laptops). You probably won't be able to find out without opening it though.
I'd recomment googling your netbook's model name/number and 'common faults' to see if it's more widely occuring.
I should have thought of that last part before, but it didn't do it for a while and now it is again. SIGH!
Doctors is currently broadcasting its 2000th episode. Over half of which were written by our very own Marc P. Possibly. This one's a good un too, about a killer virus.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 16 2011, 1:04 PM GMTCOMPUTER HELP! Please!
Every so often my netbook screen starts to flicker, sometimes for quite a while and frenetically. Is there anything I can do to fix it myself, like could it be that the battery is lose? Or do I need to take it to a shop and pay through the nose for someone to 'take a look' at it?
*sends out the billwill signal*
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 16 2011, 1:04 PM GMTCOMPUTER HELP! Please!
Every so often my netbook screen starts to flicker, sometimes for quite a while and frenetically. Is there anything I can do to fix it myself, like could it be that the battery is lose? Or do I need to take it to a shop and pay through the nose for someone to 'take a look' at it?
Sadly the most likely cause of those symptoms is that the fluorescent tubes that form the back-light of the screen are failing. Is it flickering like any failing fluorescent ceiling lights that you might have observed.
Fixing such a fault can only be done by a skilled technician able to take the screen out and change components behind the LCD screen panel.
It might be the power supply for the fluorescent tubes, but again needs a good technician.
Laptops can be fiendishly difficult to dismantle unless you have the exact correct Servicing Manual and trying without the manual can lead to tears as hidden lugs can easily get broken off or wires broken.
With any luck it might just be a loose wire between the two halves of the laptop.
Look for adverts for Laptop Repairs & contact them describing the symptoms and quoting the Manufacturer name the Model type and serial number and get a preliminary-range quote before you even take it in for inspection. Get more than one quote.
Sigh. Not what I was hoping but thank you so much for the advice, Bill.
I like your profile pic, Nat the Wicks.
Hello, the Robyn!
Thanks Ben
Quote: chipolata @ February 16 2011, 2:38 PM GMTkiller virus.
Technically, all viruses have the ability to be "killer viruses"... Does Doctors ever stray near to the reality of GPs and their world of NHS Primary Care? For example, an episode about a mother-of-three's post-natal stress incontinence - or the difficulties of managing chronic venous ulceration in an ageing diabetic smoker? Maybe an episode where the GP gets a phone call from one of his patients who's suddenly become unwell - and says "Oh dear", tells the patient to phone 999 and puts the phone down? *crosses fingers*
I wish I could knit:
Quote: chipolata @ February 13 2011, 11:41 AM GMTIt's irrelevant. She's got a very annoying personality. Even worse than Pink.
Is Katy Perry not just completely fooling every one? Aside from dress sense,surely by that Firework video its obvious she is actually doing everything for pure comic value?
Quote: JB16 @ February 17 2011, 10:18 AM GMTIs Katy Perry not just completely fooling every one? Aside from her dress sense,surely by that Firework video its obvious she is actually doing everything for pure comic value?
That's why she's annoying. She thinks she's funny. Like Pink. Although unlike Pink, she's not bad to look at.