Monday 14th February 2011 11:19pm
2,014 posts
Quote: Ishy @ February 14 2011, 11:04 PM GMT
Managed to excrete three sketches and some one-liners.
I was loitering on the web-chat on Friday Blenkinsop. Didn't someone say they'd let you know if your submission arrived? Unless of course like Will said, they're f**king with you. They seemed so nice though 
Yeah they're arriving OK but it's just the principle of the thing. God! It's so UNFAIR! They really are fu**ing with my mind.
I'm going to play them at their own game and send nothing else in. That'll show 'em!
This is me
This is them

Quote: Will Cam @ February 14 2011, 10:31 PM GMT
They are so f**king with your mind Blenkinsop.
This is you
This is them
I had no inspiration until 10.10am this morning so I shut my office door and knocked out a quick one (steady!) which I wish I'd had time to polish.
That has really gave me a big laugh Will. Nice one.
Quote: Jinky @ February 14 2011, 10:49 PM GMT
This is Blenkinsop...
and this is them...

and this is me....
and this is them....

And that one as well Jinky.
Cheers chaps.