Saturday 19th February 2011 11:20pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,990 posts
Quote: Andy Hunter @ February 12 2011, 11:09 PM GMT
I tape Shine on Harvey Moon every evening now. I might buy a DVD set. Does anyone know where I could get hold of them?
You can get a DVD that comprises 2 episodes of Series 1 and the entirety of Series 2, and another set of Series 3.
Bizarrely, I have a feeling that those 2 S1 episodes are compiled highlights from across all six half-hours, rather than just 2 episodes as broadcast. Really confusing.

See Amazon product listing

See Amazon product listing
Quote: billwill @ February 12 2011, 11:49 PM GMT
They may not be available yet.
It took ages for Birds of a Feather DVDs to appear & Shine On is older than BOAF but probably belongs now to the same Freemantle library of TV shows.
As far a I know Freemantle bought out all the rights for the Witzend & Alomo etc shows.
Shine On Harvey Moon was an ATV production though - albeit 'developed for television' by Witzend - so unless that development credit is a pseudonym for the prod co under contractual reasons, it presumably remains the property of ITV plc.