The longest running dedicated comedy festival in Europe, now in it's fifteenth year. Seventeen days of mirth and merriment in England's greyest city
So. Anyone going?
The longest running dedicated comedy festival in Europe, now in it's fifteenth year. Seventeen days of mirth and merriment in England's greyest city
So. Anyone going?
If this doesn't convince you to go, I don't know what will
Quote: Will Cam @ February 4 2011, 10:42 AM GMTIf this doesn't convince you to go, I don't know what will
Parminda Nagra has a certain appeal.
You lot have never even heard of it, have you?
I have !
The last one attracted 60,000 visitors. So hopefully this year's will improve on that.
Quote: Mark W @ February 4 2011, 11:00 AM GMTYou lot have never even heard of it, have you?
No Not really
I visited it once, years ago. I wasn't impressed. Although I do remember a park consisting of long lawn bwtween two lines of trees.