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How do you picture a Daily Mail reader? Page 5

It is extremely difficult to picture a Daily Mail reader as they stay locked up in their houses hiding from immigrant muggers and gay molesters.

Unlike these fashionable trendy liberals, with their fancy facts and statistics, going out and ignoring the perils that face them in their daily life.

Quote: Marc P @ October 9 2010, 8:55 AM GMT

Communists are reds in my bed I think. :(

You're insatiable

Quote: Lee Henman @ February 2 2011, 4:01 PM GMT

Here's a blog that sets out exactly how the Daily Fail works in terms of getting a story. Shocking stuff.


Can you believe I purposely stopped buying the Dail Mail - a rare occurance at the best of time - when they effectively screwed England's 2018 World Cup bid last year. I read it in cafes when I didn't have to pay for it but that's as far as I'd take it. That's how angry I got, dammit!

Funnily enough I bought my first copy since the 'ban' today to read while waiting at the dentist. Even more odd was that one of my previous bosses was featured in an interview in the business section. Her name is worthy of a mention: The Right Honourable Dido Harding. :)

It is a strange paper more like Women's Own or Take a Break written for small minded bigots.

Quote: AngieBaby @ October 6 2010, 11:08 PM GMT

I really don't get the whole hate the 'Daily Mail reader' thing.

I read it, as I do other papers. Why is there such intolerance towards DM readers, aren't you judging them for being judgmental, making you judgmental too?

I totally agree. What on earth's wrong with the Daily Mail!!? I read it every day! For those of you who ARE interested in comedy there is a section in the back called PETERBOROUGH where you can send in puns, jokes, funny signs and funny mistakes in NEWSPAPERS

Quote: sootyj @ February 3 2011, 5:47 PM GMT

It is a strange paper more like Women's Own or Take a Break written for small minded bigots.

How is it for small minded bigots???? If you want utter rubbish, read something like the Sun or the Daily Sport. They're just filled with inappropriate pictures and pointless celebrity "goss"!!

Quote: youngian @ February 3 2011, 12:52 PM GMT

It is extremely difficult to picture a Daily Mail reader as they stay locked up in their houses hiding from immigrant muggers and gay molesters.

Unlike these fashionable trendy liberals, with their fancy facts and statistics, going out and ignoring the perils that face them in their daily life.

Why are you saying this?????????????????????????????????????????????

Quote: lummycorks @ February 3 2011, 6:13 PM GMT

there is a section in the back called PETERBOROUGH where you can send in puns, jokes, funny signs and funny mistakes in NEWSPAPERS

There's a similar section at the front that they wittily entitle 'News'.

Daily Mail Readers have short stubby tails and pointy heads.

So as not to be filled with unwelcome kindy thought.

They drink the blood of kittens and smear themselves in excrement so as to worship Satan,

or as they call him Paul Dacre

Quote: Lee Henman @ February 2 2011, 4:01 PM GMT

Here's a blog that sets out exactly how the Daily Fail works in terms of getting a story. Shocking stuff.

That really is appalling.

Quote: lummycorks @ February 3 2011, 6:13 PM GMT

What on earth's wrong with the Daily Mail!!?

See the above article.

Quote: lummycorks @ February 3 2011, 6:13 PM GMT

For those of you who ARE interested in comedy there is a section in the back called PETERBOROUGH where you can send in puns, jokes, funny signs and funny mistakes in NEWSPAPERS

Someone should send them the above account of the hilarious mistake where the Mail completely fabricated quotes from the person being interviewed.

The Daily Mail must piss themselves to sleep each night knowing how much they wind up liberals.

I think it is more to do with how they wind up their own readers. They must laugh themselves silly at how easy it is to press those buttons.

I don't think they laugh ever.

I fear they have cold dead eyes like chilled lizards, cold unsympathetic eyes like those of an invading alien entity.

I think they weigh every last miligramme of misery they cause and store it in the dark vaults of their hearts.

Quote: Timbo @ February 3 2011, 10:10 PM GMT

I think it is more to do with how they wind up their own readers. They must laugh themselves silly at how easy it is to press those buttons.

Granted. But they must also adore being the bette noire of people they genuinely hate.

Quote: sootyj @ February 3 2011, 10:13 PM GMT

I don't think they laugh ever.

I fear they have cold dead eyes like chilled lizards, cold unsympathetic eyes like those of an invading alien entity.

I think they weigh every last miligramme of misery they cause and store it in the dark vaults of their hearts.

What?? This isn't even prejudice (sorry, if that word's too long for you). This is just complete and utter stupidity and floccinaucinihilipilification!!

Aparently Daily Mail readers are barred from swimming pool as the bile they produce on an hourly basis could dissolve a small child in the shallow end.

Daily Mail readers are not flesh and blood, they're actually made from lego carved out of depleted uranium.

Famous people who read the Daily Mail; Almajilabad, Fred West, Hitler, Hamburgler and the woman who put that cat in a bin.

Cat bin woman was working on the direct orders of Paul DAcre who was communicating with her through the unfunny comedy page.

Hitler was actually head of the German Niceness Federation before he read the Daily Mail.

The Daily Mail invented cancer and gayness so it would have something to write about.

All black people are undercover agents hired by the Daily Mail to make us racist.

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