British Comedy Guide

Female comedians Page 20

I tend to concentrate more on whether a comedian is funny, endearing, warm, has presence etc. I'd like to think it makes no difference what gender you are to get on in the world of comedy - can't be doing with 'us vs. them' shenanagins, so tiresome and petty. Would be good tho to see a male/female comedy duo have some sucess - can't think of any off hand but sure there must be some around?

Quote: Shandonbelle @ January 15 2011, 11:30 AM GMT

I'd like to think it makes no difference what gender you are to get on in the world of comedy

Quite. Gender is a red herring.

I find Victoria Wood very funny.

I was reading an interview with Jennie Eclair and I think she's genuinely funny whereas certain standups like the one on the Apollo last week just shout and make fun of their Afro-Caribbean roots which really aren't funny.

Jenny Eclair's ace.
She did a good routine about Per Una on something the other day.

Per Una? Some brand of tampon or something?

Watching Comedy Rocks and there was a black female comedian who didn't shout. Consequently I thought she was quite funny as she didn't have to resort to just yelling and swearing..

Quote: zooo @ February 2 2011, 11:10 PM GMT

Jenny Eclair's ace.
She did a good routine about Per Una on something the other day.

Yes, I saw Jenny doing her Per Una routine the other day, it was very good. She has mellowed a little bit recently and seems to be funnier for it.

Just spotted this \/ on the BBC homepage, for anyone at all interested.


I find lots of female comedians very funny. In fact, sometimes even funnier than the men??

It's good to have all sorts really.

Quote: John Owen Jones @ March 1 2011, 9:40 AM GMT

I find lots of female comedians very funny. In fact, sometimes even funnier than the men??

It's good to have all sorts really.

Laughing at or laughing with?

Quote: John Owen Jones @ March 1 2011, 9:40 AM GMT

I find lots of female comedians very funny. In fact, sometimes even funnier than the men??

It's good to have all sorts really.

Wish everyone had this much common sense!

I find female comedians very funny. Laughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ March 1 2011, 11:14 AM GMT

Wish everyone had this much common sense!

I am prepared to believe that female comedians exist. :)

Male or female, comedians are all smug f**kers who think they're funny.

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