British Comedy Guide

New hospital sitcom

A typical ward, as a patient myself,getting to know others.
An old lady summons me over and requests that I go to hospital shop and get her some 'epsom salts', as no idea of her condition I refuse politely. I t later transpiers that she deliberately tries to 'up' her blood pressure to stay in hospital because its better than being home alone.
There were 2 sisters in,. both suffering diabities, both had a critical high alert with control of symptons, they recovered well, and had a free hair-do, they were keen to express the relaxing time they had away from home and family.
I was given a spinal-tap, no explaination given, I realised, whilst under the manipulation of young male docter that he was using me to impress and chat-up a pretty trainee nurse.
When being taken for x-ray, the porter stopped for a fag, and placed a bet on his mobile phone.
One day I suffered a high temp', docs were keen to lower so opened window, the old biddy next to me closed it. I magine my chagrin when she couldn't go home 'cos SHE had high temp, she had that window wide open in seconds!.

Icould go on but better not, trying hard to avoid 'carry on' style, only ideas.
Thanks for any feedback.

You've got a long way to go. If you want constructive advice or comments
it would be better to post a sample of the script. If you want a comment
on your post I've said it in the first sentence. HOWEVER, the "hospital"
scenario has been done to death and unless you can find a novel way of
using it I would suggest that you use your creativity to come up with
something original. Good luck.

What is this supposed to be?

Is this a synopsis of a script you are working on? At the moment it just seems like random events in a hospital and I can't really see where the humour is. It's also full of spelling mistakes which is a little off-putting. Why don't you write about a particular event in the hospital instead of hopping from one idea to the next that way we will be able to give you more constructive feedback. At the moment it's like you went into a hospital, wrote down the first 5 things you observed and posted it.

I think Otterox's summary could provide the basis of something very funny:
I opened the door and entered. The man behind the counter was playing with his meat. Behind him stood a stool on which was perched a tarty assistant, who was licking her chops. They ignored me and the man slapped his meat onto some scales
- not the fish variety - this was a butchers, and so was he. Then it was my turn.
He slapped me, not on the scales, but in the face. (sort of thing - but funny)

You need to post something a bit more precise. Can't grade this in its current state.

This just looks like an actual complaint about a crappy hospital.

Have you just decided "hey my life could be a sit-com" and just written down what's happened?

Decent ideas for a sitcom but what style do you propose to do this in? A Getting On style, a Only When I Laugh style, a Carry on Nurse style?

:( Thanks guys, I agree its crap!, will try to resolve these issues.

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