Friday 4th February 2011 4:35pm
5 posts
Hummm - don't really know what to say here, but it's the pictures and visuals that are key for pre-school shows. The writing is very much a secondary thing, especially as the little ones will happily watch the same thing again and again and again!
Also, if you're thinking of putting an animated series together, you'd need to get it optioned by a couple of channels at least (say Cbeebies in the UK and Playhouse Disney in the US) due to the high costs of making the series. Other than that, writing for pre-school/animation is more like writing for soaps or drama than sitcom. Someone will have written a show bible that sets out all of the characters, and then, a number of writers will write episodes for that series. You'll very much have to work within the boundaries of the show, rather than make it yourself!
If you're seriously interested in this, I'd recommend buying a book on writing for animation. It'll be able to tell you more about the in and outs of the process than I ever can! 
PS - a lot of Cbeebies animation at the moment has come from picture books, like Wibbly Pig and Rastamouse, so it's not necessarily the case that you would choose to write a book or an animated series.