British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 316


Quote: zooo @ January 24 2011, 7:02 PM GMT

Does it make you feel like you're standing a bit wonky?

"Avoids the glaringly obvious quote alteration . . ."

Quote: chipolata @ January 24 2011, 5:02 PM GMT

This is what's wallpapered on every wall of my house. Unimpressed

CHIP!!! Laughing out loud

Quote: EllieJP @ January 25 2011, 9:21 AM GMT

CHIP!!! Laughing out loud


George Osborne blames the weather for our double-dip recession, because of course we haven't had a winter this bad since, erm, last winter...but anyway, the weathermen say he's wrong.

"Bad weather not to blame for GDP fall, says British Weather Services"

Quote: Chappers @ January 25 2011, 10:40 PM GMT



Sad news that the BBC World Service will shut down several of its foreign news services. In countries with poor press freedom or shitty journalism, BBC World Service has provided comparatively unbiased information. Voice of America radio, Al Jazeera, Radio Free Europe and ABC can't fill all the gaps.

thanks for the sharing

As I always suspected, Puff Daddy caused 9/11:

Anythoughts on the riots in Tunisia and Egypt? New democratic middle east anyone?

Quote: sootyj @ January 29 2011, 8:24 PM GMT

Anythoughts on the riots in Tunisia and Egypt? New democratic middle east anyone?

Possibly, but the new Govt is likely to be anti-USA & Anti-Brit.

That might actually be a good thing

I was planning on writing a sitcom called Horse F**ker

Quote: sootyj @ January 29 2011, 8:47 PM GMT

I was planning on writing a sitcom called Horse F**ker

Well the BBC is on the lookout for working-class sitcoms... :)

Only Fools and Horse F**kers

Southern Sudan might become a new country. What should it be called?

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