British Comedy Guide

The perils of booze

INT. BEDROOM. NIGHT. FX MOANS AND BED SPRINGS. CUT TO: DAYTIME. MAN: Oh Christ, my mouth's like a zookeeper's boot today, how pissed was I last night? MAN TURNS HIS HEAD TO SEE A DALEK GETTING OUT OF BED. MAN: Shit... Erm, mind the stairs. FX SOUND OF DALEK FALLING DOWN STAIRS.

Good stuff.

Thanks David

Brilliant. That has made me laugh loads!

Great stuff

But how does a Dalek get out of bed?

Nice one Centurion.

Quote: sootyj @ January 27 2011, 11:16 AM GMT

Great stuff

But how does a Dalek get out of bed?

He pulls the covers back first.

Quote: sootyj @ January 27 2011, 11:16 AM GMT

But how does a Dalek get out of bed?

With great difficulty?

Nice little cartoon strip within this, I think Nige.

Excellent stuff! Laughing out loud

Thanks all... Yes Sootyj. The dalek was in a craftmatic adjustable bed. He tilted the mattress by remote control then slid gently down the incline towards an upright position.

I liked it
Definitely my favourite Evil Mutant in metal casing hangover sketch of yours

I came to this thread thinking it was serious social comment on binge drinking and yet I find inappropriate laughter about lewd acts with wheeled aliens. It's a disgrace!

nice and enjoyable David

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ January 28 2011, 12:16 AM GMT

Thanks all... Yes Sootyj. The dalek was in a craftmatic adjustable bed. He tilted the mattress by remote control then slid gently down the incline towards an upright position.

loved it!! but love this comment more!
Laughing out loud

A delightful little sketch :)

*takes hat off*

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