Lee Henman
Tuesday 25th January 2011 10:18pm
5,183 posts
Quote: Scottidog @ January 25 2011, 5:47 PM GMT
This is a quite disheartening thread, to be honest reading it just makes me want to die.
This might sound silly...but.
If your script is genuinely good enough, a script worthy enough for T.V, will these production companies find this script? Will the 20 year old 'reader' find this script and make sure it happens. Or, is it just a case of luck that some prick finds it reasonably funny enough to contact you...
Obviously, what I'm writing I think is Gold. But when I send it out and I receive no response, I will want to cry when I'm alone, insult my mum over the phone and repeat domestic violence on my partner, If my script is no good...
(My Gold maybe another persons Bronze)

The chances of winning the Euromillions lottery are about 76 million to one. Writing a script that eventually makes it to the screen has slightly better odds, so chin up! 
Seriously though, if you think about it too much you'll just give up. The problem is layers. Layers and layers and layers of people you have to get through before the cameras start rolling. Readers, producers, commissioners etc. They all have to love your stuff.
And at any point, right up until the first day of filming, the whole project can be pulled and shelved and never see the light of day again. It's all very daunting and you have to be a f**king idiot to keep trying. Luckily there are a lot of funny idiots out there who do, or we'd have no comedy to watch at all.