Tuesday 18th January 2011 7:04pm
181 posts
I got mine in. Aint I a swot? Just a couple of things to be pedantic.
1, I can put in as many entries as I like?
2, If I put in all six episodes as six separate entries, would I then have write two new episodes if I got through to the finals stage? As the other five would obviously be crap co's they didn't get through, and also whilst I am thinking about it, if all six get to the final do I then have to write another twelve? co's I don't think I can do that. In fact no forget it, I talked myself out of it. It's too hard. Why do you people make these things so complicated? I need beer! I'm just gonna bang one in and see what happens. Yeahthat's it, bang one in. You are only having one, don't come begging for six it's too late now. "Yes nurse I'm on my way".