Ukulele Kris
Sunday 23rd January 2011 12:50pm [Edited]
22 posts
Quote: Griff @ January 10 2011, 10:30 AM GMT
(Sorry. I genuinely can't help myself.)
Agreed. Frank Skinner's ukulele song about Osama Bin Laden is hilarious.
(Sorry. I genuinely can't help myself.... f**king noisy frying pans, bringing down the name of the nice sounding ukulele)
Anyhoo, as you can probably guess, my instrument is the ukulele. A lot of people will say that ukuleles are easy to learn, and they are to a respect, but you are also a lot more limited with what you can do on a ukulele with just basic knowledge, and so many comedy songs follow a general |G|C|D| (or similar) chord pattern.
I would definitely recommend the ukulele to anyone, but my tip is not to think you're going to have mastered it in a week or two, it can be just as hard to play as the guitar (and if you have sausage fingers, even harder, but that didn't stop Israel Kameo.. Kamiko... Kamisole.... Brother Iz).
Piano will take AAAAAAGES to get to a standard to where you're writing songs, and not just badly plonking through chopsticks. If you want to learn piano, go for it, it's a brilliant instrument to be able to play, but don't expect to be performing for a good few years.
Also, re: songs about speech impediments, they can go either way, some people (like Wossy) will embrace it, and laugh about it, but for some people, it can be quite a personal and embarrassing issue. But y'know, it's your choice, if you perform it and it doesn't go down well, that tells you all you need to know. If it goes really well, you've crafted a well written comedy song ![:)](
For an example of a song about a lisp (that caused much furore on the ukulele forum I go on about comedy, and what is/isn't acceptable), check this out