Old Skool Music Shop
Woman in thirties walks into a small independent music store. The shop
is full of Vinyl and CD's.
The Owner is a smooth talking city type, a budding Richard Branson.
Owner: Welcome to my music Den. How can I help? Miss?
Customer: I'm in love, I've just got into a relationship & I want music to match my mood, you know?
Owner: Yeah baby! I know exactly! How's about... Lemar's Love Album. He was the finalist on Fame Acadamy or something, beautiful voice.
Owner picks up the CD Lemar Love.
Customer: Um? Any particular Tracks? That would be suitable?
Owner: Oh this will be a classic [Sung] "Let me slide into your love" [Owner finishes the song by making the sound effect of a grunt, mouth pop and a whistle going up - "carry on" style]
Customer:No No, we've not got to that stage yet.
Owner: George Michael? [Sung] "Don't Let Your Son, Go down on Me, Coz I loves a Bear"
Customer: Not, no no
Owner: Elton Johns new album - the track [Sung] "You wear my lions mane, ile wear you" [Sound effect of a roar]
Customer: No! We're Romantic..
Owner: Barry White, Love Walrus...
Customer: Used him with my ex...put me off, and I want it to be real this time...
Owner: Well this came in today - only one copy (thankfully). It's Susan Boyle's new album.. she's fresh to romance. Wrote this album when she began dating Paul Potts.
Customer: Ok - what tracks has she got...
Owner: Um? Lets have a read. Papers say any minute we'll be hearing the tiny pitter patta of a little SuPoo. Yes yes. Let's hope the baby inherits the parents talents...not just looks....
Owner:Um first few tracks from SuBo's new album are "Is that it?", "I'd rather Titchmarsh", "My body stings, you sure we did it right?"
Customer: Perfect!