When you're walking down the street and in front of you is someone who is moving at a snails pace, you ask them politely if you could get by. They spin round and stare at you as if you've asked to infect them with SARS. They always move, but I just don't understand their utter shock.
Things that annoy you......
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You're far too polite. I prefer the shove-past and/or weave around method. Bastards.
Repeat threads
the word "dad!"
What the hell do you call him?
I know someone who can't stand 'dad' or 'mum'. They prefer 'mother' and 'father'.
Lol Zooo Shouting Daddy, I've entered this thread to late to find that sexy.
And Glen Hoddle.
Quote: ajp29 @ December 6, 2007, 7:22 PMRepeat threads
Yes, indeed. You, unlike me, aren't too lazy to find it though.