Thursday 13th January 2011 8:54am [Edited]
7,542 posts
Quote: Godot Taxis @ January 12 2011, 3:22 AM GMT
What, the Dream On?
Quote: Mark W @ January 12 2011, 5:29 AM GMT

Quote: Tony Cowards @ January 11 2011, 4:04 PM GMT
How about something like this?
SCENE - A couple are in bed
SFX - Phone rings
WIFE (answering phone groggily) - Hello? Yes, this is she, do you know what time it is? 3pm? I don't think so it's 2 o'clock in the morning... oh you're phoning from LA...(long pause) so let me get this straight, you want to do an American version of our sitcom, "Limon's Boys" and you want us to fly out to America to sort out the details?
HUSBAND - Who is it?
WIFE - Shut up and go back to sleep, we've got an early start.
WIFE (to the phone) - We'll be on the first flight tomorrow.
I suspect it may have started with this (obviously with Taxi's additions), then they thought 'Hang on, our American audiences need a bit more exposition, they don't really get irony and subtley, like in those dramas 30 Rock, Modern Family and Arrested Development'. So they expanded it a bit. Then a bit more. Then a lot more. And had a new episode one. Hence the seven in the run rather than just the six.
It was alright, I thought. There was a *long* time between laughs, was the main issue and I hope my theory above is true so that the next six are just a standard sitcom. I thought Tamsin Greig had the best lines with her very British dryness but the American producer characters were far too annoying in their 'yes, we'll do that obviously, but we won't do it too' attitudes.
I agree with Anorak about us all probably having too much 'insider' knowledge (yeah, we *wish*) and if you're not die-hard sitcom fan/writer, more oblivious to the ways of TV, it was probably more interesting. That said, my wife (who has no interest in writing nor much in sitcom) watched it with me and laughed less than I did.
I'll watch it again. In fact, I'll probably watch it all. That said, something has to be *really* bad for me not to watch again. Like that new Adrian Chiles show on Sunday nights. It was bad enough already, without them talking about the bollocks that is cricket...