British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,318

Not here, you'd get done for rustling or poaching the king's deer or failing to conform to health & safety regulations & cruelty to wild animals.

It might be OK to get RAT steaks, but not with an unlicenced firearm.

Quote: billwill @ January 12 2011, 1:18 AM GMT

Not here, you'd get done for rustling or poaching the king's deer or failing to conform to health & safety regulations & cruelty to wild animals.

Poppycock! You just walk into your local butcher shop, ask for a few of their finest steaks, wave the pistol and then run home and light the grill.

Got an achey lower face. Need a chin massage.

Been awake since 8.30 to try to make sure I sleep tonight.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 12 2011, 1:56 AM GMT

Got an achey lower face. Need a chin massage.


Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 12 2011, 1:56 AM GMT

Got an achey lower face. Need a chin massage.

My scrotums pretty muscular, could we help each other out?

In the Nottingham office for the first time. It's big and airy but my desk is somewhat exposed.

Exposed to the elements?

To prying eyes.

I hate having people behind me in a desk situation. I prefer to be facing out with a wall behind me.

Nat, what's your book about?

Erm I'm not entirely sure. But I put the opening chapter in Critique, and it was called 'block'. It was going to be about a struggling writer but I had only written the first bit. Had no idea where the story was going to go. Probably won't bother with it now.

Quote: zooo @ January 12 2011, 11:32 AM GMT

I hate having people behind me in a desk situation. I prefer to be facing out with a wall behind me.

Me too. I hate people knowing I'm skiving.

I have an office to myself currently.

Could have a wank I suppose.

More constructive than talking about it on BCG.

Of course you know your succesful when you get your own toilet.

Will Cam has just checked the calender to see if it is National C**t Day.

Something we said?

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