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I read the news today oh boy! Page 296

Quote: Rob H @ January 7 2011, 10:57 PM GMT

Sometimes I really like them, other times I'll stick my dick in a salad. I'm a mental, what can I say?

Well I don't think you're mental, but Pizza Hut may disagree

Quote: sootyj @ January 7 2011, 11:00 PM GMT

Well I don't think you're overdoing editing posts, but most sane people would disagree

Quote: chipolata @ January 7 2011, 10:53 PM GMT

I'll tell you something devil red that sicken me: tomatos . Except in sauce form.

I can't stomach raw tomatoes, and I've only just developed an appreciation for whole cooked cherry tomatoes (roasted with olive oil and balsamic vinegar).

Muli is also evil.

What was the News Story?

Very fat bloke spending benefits on nosh

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ January 7 2011, 11:11 PM GMT

What was the News Story?

"Controversial Food Stuffs Rock BCG"

I think I've found a solution to Ellie's man problem.

Jack Straw criticised for 'easy meat' comments on abuse

Former Home Secretary Jack Straw has been accused of "stereotyping" after suggesting some men of Pakistani origin see white girls as "easy meat".

The Jack Straw thing is interesting. He suggests that some Pakistanis are racists because they target white girls, but he is in turn laying himself open to being accused of racism. Is anti-racism a form of racism?

It does go on, though. No point denying it.

One for our American friends.

US lawmaker gravely injured in shooting; 6 dead
A US congresswoman was in critical condition after being shot in the head Saturday by a gunman who opened fire at a public event in Tucson, Arizona, killing six people, authorities said.

In the UK, we had an MP stabbed recently. He's fine.

Jack Straw amazes me.

He would never dare say anything like that when he was in power. He's such a wimpy do gooder helping illegals and bending over backwards to please prisoners.

Quote: Chappers @ January 8 2011, 9:30 PM GMT

He would never dare say anything like that when he was in power.

The "continuing problem" of gang violence is due to the absence of fathers in black communities, Justice Secretary Jack Straw says.

He said young black men needed their fathers as role models, otherwise their development suffered.

Black girls from similar backgrounds had different attitudes and succeeded more than black boys, he said.

OK - but he's still a hypocritical twat.

To be honest, I'm surprised it's taken as long as this for a Tea Party nut to run amok with a gun.

Quote: Griff @ January 11 2011, 10:39 AM GMT

I know, it's like when a new Doctor Who airs and Godot doesn't turn up with the fragmentation bombs for five or six tense pages.


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