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You didn't even quit this time. What happened?

The wind of change is blowing through the BCG.

Quote: EllieJP @ January 10 2011, 11:29 AM GMT

I have only ever completed that once. :( I fall off about 20 times.

All the rest of them I'd kick your arse at!

You good at the one in the shopping center? Peach's shopping center or somethingthat's a cool one loads of short cuts :D

Quote: Nat Wicks @ January 10 2011, 11:25 AM GMT

Rainbow Road is awesome :D Kooper Cape is my favourite.

You're on! Can't remember Kooper Cape that the one with jumping over Shrooms?

I was playing Mario Kart all Christmas. Don't know the track names but I will thrash you all at any race. Oh, yeah Cool

Quote: Leevil @ January 10 2011, 11:38 AM GMT

I was playing Mario Kart all Christmas. Don't know the track names but I will thrash you all at any race. Oh, yeah Cool

Ok I will fix my Wii and we'll do it.

Need to get my controllers back I think my friend still has them.


There's not that many online games for the Wii, is there? Is Bomberman any good? Used to like that on the Snes.

Quote: Leevil @ January 10 2011, 11:40 AM GMT


There's not that many online games for the Wii, is there? Is Bomberman any good? Used to like that on the Snes.

No idea. I never play online, because after playing Counter strike I came to the conclusion only f**king lunatics play online.


Actually I have a confession, after after about 200 games in our house. I have only beaten my daughter once, and that was when she was distracted by her phone.

Quote: Leevil @ January 10 2011, 11:44 AM GMT


Got called a 'C**t' about ten times a 'f**king idiot' loads of stuff. People need to get out more.

Pot - Kettle.

It's like the Geek are taking over the world :(

Quote: Gavin @ January 10 2011, 11:39 AM GMT

Need to get my controllers back I think my friend still has them.


You have "friends"????

Like real ones? That you meet and talk to and stuff??

Quote: roscoff @ January 10 2011, 11:47 AM GMT

It's like the Geek are taking over the world :(

The geek shall inherit the earth. Or something like that anyway.

Quote: Gavin @ January 10 2011, 11:46 AM GMT

Got called a 'C**t' about ten times a 'f**king idiot' loads of stuff. People need to get out more.

Pot - Kettle.

Well that's when you play against American teenagers who live in their parents basements. I'm mainly going to use online to destroy my brother back home.

Quote: bigfella @ January 10 2011, 11:48 AM GMT


You have "friends"????

Like real ones? That you meet and talk to and stuff??

I don;t talk to them. LOL

Yay! It's just arrived. :)

I have orders not to play though :(

*stares longingly at Wii*

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