British Comedy Guide

Female comedians Page 17

Alfred do you actually know anybody?

Only I don't know many people in comedy who don't think Jo Brand is a genius or highly rate Victoria Wood.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ January 3 2011, 11:21 PM GMT

V Wood doesn't have beret wearing male fanatics queueing up to get autographs after her gigs, they are female. Jo Brand doesn't have men giving her mars bars after a gig, they are female.

You grab these 'facts' out of thin air!! You've just decided that sounds true all by yourself, with absolutely no reasoning or fact behind it. You are silly sometimes, Alfred.

You're an idiot. Fact. Cause I just decided it was a fact, so it definitely is.

And just becuase something is female slanted doesn't mean it only appeals to women.

I like Beaches and Pretty Women both chick flicks supposedly.

Quote: zooo @ January 3 2011, 11:24 PM GMT

You grab these 'facts' out of thin air!! You've just decided that sounds true all by yourself, with absolutely no reasoning or fact behind it. You are silly sometimes, Alfred.

No Zooo, I don't, they have been written in magazines and I have read them, and on at least one TV prog I have seen the Woodites interviewed. As much you love to thump your female tub, I can actually back those claims up if I was forced to.

Maybe it is you and your acolytes who should think harder about automatically defending all thngs female without really knowing the facts first? I do not hate women in any way, but I do hate facts and knowledge being trampled all over just to get a political point accross. Good evening to you all.

Alfred Chuck Norris and David Hasslehoff both have cadres of fanatical female fans.

I admire both these performers.

Are you calling me a homo?

No, but I would say you are an incurable liberal who threw your lot in years ago, just to be considered right on and modern and okay to know etc. I however refuse to wither, I hold my arm out and my hand stays firm and straight. I shall stay that way, friendless or not!

So someone's been to all Victoria Wood and Jo Brand's gigs and monitored the gender of each and every fan?
That sounds interesting. Please direct me to this article!

But you know I didn't say that, but that I've read articles and seen progs about the female fans of VW and JB and one or two others - they were female fans, that is not to say they didn't have the odd embarrassed looking male partner with them, but the famale fans it overwhelmingly was who were queueing up to see their comedy heroines. I do not know why this provable fact should sit so uncomfortably with you, perhaps you can enlighten me please?

I'm not uncomfortable with the 'fact', true or not. But am uncomfortable - if you must use that word - when you talk utter tripe (which you don't do all the time, I grant you, but enough for it to be slightly bothersome).
You're entirely entitled to express and hold your opinions, but you often tend to draw on these 'facts' that you've clearly (in my opinion) made up on the spot.

Alfred you are a lone voice here, can you really not see that?

You've already said you don't watch female comedians. So what are you even doing on this thread?

It's like Jeremy Clarkson steaming his way onto a thread about his local bus service, then getting huffy coz no-one agrees with him.

You're not the audience, and the audience IS laughing, so your 'advice' is bollocks.

Oh wait, you say you've seen a couple of VW & JB fans and they were female? You're right, I take it all back, it must be true.

Zooo, You are defending female comedians against a (relative, not total) non believer such as I, out of duty, or instinct or something, and yet it is I who have seen these progs with my own eyes and read the articles, and not you! I thought you were the bigger fan. I guarantee you they exist, free expression does not excuse the act of making things up on the spot, not with me. Am I to assume you might be jealous of my breadth of useless knowledge then?

Yes, that's what it is.

Never seen Victoria Wood or Jo Brand, but I have been to see Sarah Millican and there were good few blokes in the audience (not 'embarrassed partners') and they were laughing just as much as any of the women.

I've also seen her win over really tough audiences (the Hyena in Newcastle, a place for drunk people to go and abuse strangers with microphones) who weren't there just to see her.

I've been to open mic nights where a woman has been the best act of the night (again, appreciated by men too) and I've spoken to lots of men who really like Jo Brand and Victoria Wood (amongst others).

I've witnessed it first hand, not read it in a magazine. I can categorically state what I've seen as fact.

(P.S. Love you too, Nat. Let's get married, aren't all women in comedy supposed to be lesbians anyway? We could make our wedding speeches all about periods, it would be ace. Nobody would laugh, of course, we're just girls.)

Quote: Die Hard @ January 4 2011, 12:15 AM GMT

Alfred you are a lone voice here, can you really not see that?

Yes I can, and that is exactly why I post on this thread from time to time, I do not like blanket one sided appraisals which strike me as having major flaws in them. The arguments being put forward for why women comedians struggle are disengenuous at best, terribly weak and reek of prejudice against males.

I say again, if men do not find you women funny, then either target female audiences or just give up, maybe comedy and being funny is not your thing. To blame men for being the problem is absolutely farcical.

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