Tuesday 4th December 2007 12:11am
4,203 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 3, 2007, 6:20 PM
Cant say it fooled me, wasnt funny for one thing, and for gods sake will people stop saying that something is rubbish, or so called 'student comedy' just because its surreal or out of the ordinary. Writing that sort of stuff well is not easy, which is why so few who do become popular. And if you really dont like it, then dont watch it or bother to comment about it, as its a bit pointless.
Surreal? Out of the ordinary? Father Ted fits that bill, so that's not quite true.
It's VERY easy to write that kind of guff. I've just proved it. That stupid trailer about the rubbish dissolving, it's quite frankly embarrassing and quite dull.
All Barratt does if offer curmudgeonly feed lines, for Fielding to say something like 'She had a face like a pause on a CD' - stuff that sounds like a comedic analogy but really is just meaningless twaddle.
Chris Morris is a genius at using unusual wording and ideas, the Boosh are just purveyors of RANDOM LOLZZZ whimsy that appeals to 17 year old media students.
And I CAN comment if I like - it's called a discussion.
Quote: zooo @ December 3, 2007, 6:29 PM
I didn't think it was at all funny.
Sorry, but to me you've just proved how easy it isn't.
I even tried really hard and imagined them saying the lines themselves, with their delivery, and it was still rubbish.
So, if they did ever do that sketch, I'd still have to say it was poo.

What delivery, really?
Barratt - just talks in a monotone voice, while Fielding sounds half like a child with autism, half Russell Brand.