Quote: Nat Wicks @ December 26 2010, 9:38 PM GMTI put a picture of my onesie feets on faceboob. Not going to put a full picture up though cause I look like a telly tubby!
What's wrong with Teletubbies?
They're all kind of naughty, sexy, badness with atennas
Quote: Tim Walker @ December 26 2010, 9:40 PM GMTTim is working his way through the books he received for Christmas. Much enjoyment to be found in The Thick Of It: The Missing DoSAC Files. Had a cursory glance at the Extras script book (but script books not really my thing thesedays - reading scripts just reminds me I should be writing them). Not really touching the book on Peter Cook that my brother bought me (I've already been bought the same book two times before as a Christmas/birthday present.)
In other present news, Tim has deposited a very large of boyfriend brownie points in the bank, as a result of the limited-edition Karen Millen coat he bought his girlfriend for Christmas.
(P.S. Can anyone lend me money for food?
Girlfriend? Since when mr Darkhorse?
(gives up sewing 1 hectare square Tim Walker sympathy blanket)