I thought the Cheryl Cole impressions were spot on.
It's Paul Burling Page 2
It was quite good, a 'lite' version of TV Burp. Although I still don't quite understand why Russell Brand was in Downton Abbey with Simon Cowell, I can only guess it's because the Russell impersonation needed to be shoe-horned in somewhere. I thought it was good enough to deserve its own sketch.
Absolute shite of the highest order. The Russ Abbott reference earlier was spot on...only it was shitter. It made Abbott look like Woody Allen.
It was like a 1985 time-warp - but far, far worse.
The 'I'm A Celebrity' skit was cringeworthy. Robbie Williams take off was a joke... surely? No?
Is Kerry Katon=na a scouser? I don't think so - so what the f**k was that bit all about too? Cilla Black? Isn't she dead? please tell me she is. Perhaps it was a dream and she didn't actually choke on Dale Winton's cock as she cleaned it for him following his liaison with Jason Donovan?
There's hope for us all. Never underestimate the intelligence of a pre-watershed ITV audience.
Burling is 'ok' at best - but shone like a very shiny sixpence stuck in a steaming hot black turd - compared to the rest of the cast.
Obvioulsy hastily knocked together on a poxy budget - on the basis that it will be lost in the general mire that is served up to the plebs at Christmas.
Cowell will have profited more than anyone by having his camp, fat, little pug-nose in ITV's trough-of-plenty - on the basis of some contractual arrangement, pre-BGT, for this piece of utter shite.
On balance...I didn't like it
Kerry Katona is a Scouser isn't she? She was in Atomic Kitten & they're full of them.
I'd say it was a cheap job - the show that came after it had the same set. I think the post production was questionable. Paul told us how earlier in the year a woman became a figure of hate because she put a cat in a wheelie bin and someone put a big laugh on it. The writing was spotty, mostly just remarks rather than good laugh lines.
Quote: Steve Sunshine @ December 23 2010, 12:44 AM GMTKerry Katona is a Scouser isn't she? She was in Atomic Kitten & they're full of them.
No she's from Warrington - so technically she's part of the 'Cheshire set'
She's more Manc than scouse. She doesn't even have a scouse accent - unlike that bint taking her off on TV. Cheap telly and that was a prime example of it being lazy, lame and badly put together.
Quote: Tim Walker @ December 22 2010, 8:26 PM GMTYou may want to finish completing the guide to 'The King Is Dead' before worrying about newer shows...
I need to finish watching it first.
Quote: Marc P @ December 22 2010, 10:25 PM GMTIsn't he the son of a neighbour in the village PMA lives in? Not to say there is anything wrong with that but that is what I understood. He sent him some stuff to look at?
Not heard that particular variant before, no.
Quote: Aaron @ December 23 2010, 10:42 AM GMTNot heard that particular variant before, no.
Yeah same village, PMA gave a talk at his school and inspired him it seems. http://www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk/news/1322812.scriptwriter_pens_bbc_sitcom_at_19/
And nothing immediate about the process of getting it onto screen though.
As for It's Paul Burling... Well, it was not great, and being heavily focused to an ITV audience there were quite a few things I didn't get, but there were some good points in it. I enjoyed Harry Hill's The World At War for one. There were certainly glimmers of of promise amongst the mundane. Ultimately, I feared that it could/would be a lot worse than it actually was.
Quote: Marc P @ December 23 2010, 10:48 AM GMTYeah same village, PMA gave a talk at his school and inspired him it seems. http://www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk/news/1322812.scriptwriter_pens_bbc_sitcom_at_19/
Ah yes, that article. Well it does skew it a little - Tim may very well have been inspired after PMA visited his school, and he may well have had some kind of help from Paul personally - but I understand his actual script went through the normal submission process (may have been Writersroom but not sure) like any other.
PMA has helped a lot of people. He's a good chap.

Paul Mayhew-Archer and Tim Dawson
I bet no TV executive has ever looked at Paul Burling like that.
Quote: Aaron @ December 23 2010, 10:52 AM GMTbut I understand his actual script went through the normal submission process (may have been Writersroom but not sure) like any other.
Well, the normal submission process through Writersroom would be for the script to sit unread for 6 months and then be summarily rejected with a short note, so there must have been some kind of clerical error in Dawson's case.
Quote: Aaron @ December 23 2010, 10:42 AM GMTI need to finish watching it first.
You and the rest of the country.
Quote: Aaron @ December 23 2010, 10:52 AM GMTI enjoyed Harry Hill's The World At War for one.
Impersonating/parodying comedians is almost always a bad idea. Unless you can be funnier than the comic you're spoofing (which he wasn't, frankly) it's rather a futile exercise.
Quote: Tim Walker @ December 23 2010, 11:48 AM GMTImpersonating/parodying comedians is almost always a bad idea. Unless you can be funnier than the comic you're spoofing
The world's greatest impressionists have always 'done' comedians.
And none were funnier than the great comedians they 'did', were they?
I thought the timing of the Shaun Ryder saying 'That f**king snake bit me' with the start of In The Jungle was the best bit. But was the only laugh out loud moment for me.