British Comedy Guide

I've just seen... Page 97

I've even put my glasses on.

More like safety goggles.

Quote: bigfella @ December 18 2010, 8:21 PM GMT

I've even put my glasses on.

Laughing out loud

Quote: bigfella @ December 18 2010, 8:21 PM GMT

I've even put my glasses on and taken my pants off.

Is 3d TV that good?

Just had to clean glasses.

Did your monocle pop out colonel?


What did you think?

It's alright aye prob best film seen in last 6-7 months.

Yeah it's pretty good

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ December 18 2010, 11:05 PM GMT

Yeah it's pretty good

One of the best films of the year. An arthouse blockbuster.

I bought that for my brother for Christmas. (Haven't seen it.)

Shutter Island. Enjoyed it, but I found the ending underwhelming.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 18 2010, 11:48 PM GMT

Putter Island. Enjoyed it, but I found the ending underwhelming.

Terrifying isn't it?

Quote: Gavin @ December 18 2010, 3:12 PM GMT

Except I've seen Sin City.

That is the main difference.

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