British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 284

And then there's the real world . . .

But it just looks like he's wrapped it in crappy tin foil?

Doesn't even look gold. *confused*

That's stupid.

Somehow I can't imagine gold foil tastes all that nice.

Following on from the story about Radio 4s James Naughtie's c word name blunder on air ( I heard it repeated after on R2 and his vain attempt to carry on reading the rest of his piece afterwards while obviously choking with muffled laughter was really funny) I came across a few more 'spoonerisms' ( love that word!)...George W Bush "Families is where wings take dream", "The French don't have a word for entrepreneur",and " They misinderestimated me"
Ronald Reagan's addressing of the late Princess Diana as 'Princess David', he also another time addressed President Samuel Doe of Liberia as 'Chairman Moe'.
And how did he manage to mangle 'Samson slew the Phillistines' into 'Simpson slew the Phillipines...???
Id love a whole book of there one about I wonder?..xmas coming up and all that hehe

Now I do think this is taking things a bit too far. Just because his mum abandoned him he thinks he can benefit from her new found fame.

Researchers dressed as pandas introduce cubs to wild

This is amazing. I really thought Wikileaks was probably run by a few geeks from somebody's bedroom. But check this's like something out of James Bond.

Quote: Lee Henman @ December 12 2010, 11:11 AM GMT

This is amazing. I really thought Wikileaks was probably run by a few geeks from somebody's bedroom. But check this's like something out of James Bond.

Old Nuclear Bunkers do make good locations for any kind of Web Servers as they are nice & secure & probably the rental/purchase is not exorbitant.

A friend of mine is thinking of joining up with another person & doing that with a bunker in Yorkshire (I think).

You do have to cater for the costs of running the pumps to keep the water out though. If a bunker is abandoned & not maintained for a time (a year?) it fills up with groundwater.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ December 7 2010, 8:48 PM GMT

Following on from the story about Radio 4s James Naughtie's c word name blunder on air

Interesting how lightly him and Marr got off. I suspect the BBC management thought is was OK as Radio 4 metropolitan listeners have been to University and are intellectual enough to forgive them in an amusing manner.

Just wandering if Chris Moyles or Evans' working class listeners heard them say the same word if they would be treated in such a relaxed manner.

Here's a story that made my blood boil. One of the student protestors, Jody McIntyre - a wheelchair-bound disabled man with cerebral palsy - was dragged from his wheelchair by police - TWICE - and beaten with a baton because he was "rolling towards them". How threatening. The police must've been terrified.

Now this guy sees himself as a bit of an activist and has an online blog about protesting about government issues, and why not? It's his right. But what really pissed me off was the attitude of BBC newsreader Ben Brown who interviewed him yesterday and was clearly biased towards the police. He's asking Jody questions like "But did you shout anything at the police that might make them take this action?" Of COURSE he was f**king shouting you moron, he was at a bloody student demonstration!
Anyway the whole interview was disgusting I thought - the newsreader continually trying to blame Jody for the attack while desperately dodging the issue that Jody was trying to press home "What possible threat could a disabled man in a wheelchair have posed to the police?".

Personally I think the interview was so biased and insensitive that the BBC should investigate.

Although I know some of you will say "Serves the rabble-rousing student twat right" or similar. Here's the interview.!

I saw this on the news and put a complaint in straight away. I've never complained to the BBC before. I feel all old.

I thought it was disgusting. He was trying to justify it and when Jody McIntyre explained that he wasn't rolling towards them because he was unable to move his chair himself, the idiot asked him if he'd been throwing missiles? What a douche. It's a stupid thing to ask someone with his condition in the first place, but the fact is that no one had sugegsted he had thrown anything or was being aggressive, he just decided in his head and decided to try to demonise him.

I think McIntyre came off remarkably well in the interview and Ben Brown came off as a total c**t. Total gutter journalism. I would expect better from the Beeb.

It's all about The Narrative with the news. And if that says student protestors are scum then that's the slant the reporting will take.


That'd make me shit me self if I was a police man

More seriously the police are looking to use stop and search powers as well as water cannons. Water cannons have not been used in mainland UK ever.

And the riot squads are still ripping their bloody ID numbers off.

Any officer turning up without ID should be suspended on the spot, no ifs no buts

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