British Comedy Guide

Situation comedy idea

:( :O Ok, I've found a live slug-a baby, don't want to kill it, so, after lot of thought put it in garage. Still worrying.. it is freezing cold.
They are summer invertibrates, might have to bring him back in.... do you get my drift?.
Could this develop?, thanks for any feedback.

You want to do a sitcom about caring for a slug? Or you want slug advice?

I am going to move this somewhat peculiar thread.

bring it inside in the warm. some kind of container needed with veg for it to eat and develop into a big slug.

And there's been a comedy about looking after snails. At Home with The Snails, I think it was called. Not bad, if I remember rightly.

If the slug's your husband, leave him out there

Quote: bushbaby @ December 8 2010, 9:16 PM GMT

If the slug's your husband, leave him out there

BB I believe you have been known to have a slug or two! Vino based? :)

Suggested titles;

It's a Slug's Game

The Slugs don't work

Only Fools and Gastropods

Slime Team

Don't pass the salt!

Slug it out

Slugs and Sockets

Slugging match

Slugging my shoulder

The Slugger

Slug the world

A small slug-gestion

Mother Slugger.

Peter O'Toole can act as the slug hence the title 'Slugger O'Toole'.

Snail on holiday

Slugger Bugger

The Good, The Bad and The Slugly

Slugs and Kisses

The Darling Slugs of May


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