What Nil said!
The Walking Dead Page 12
Quote: Nil Putters @ November 24 2010, 12:28 PM GMTI was just pointing out, to Nat, that there was more zombie action is episode 4 as she'd pointed out (as had I) that episode 3 was light on it. I'm not chomping at the bit for more action, as long as the overall quality stays high. I'm still watching.
Not sure why you were answering my post, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the people Bussell was replying to originally, which I don't think included you.
Not really sure why there's any discussion here at all, it was just one person pointing out that the show, if it follows the comics, will be more character conflict than zombie conflict!
It's going to take a headshot to keep you down, Stott.
Quote: chipolata @ November 24 2010, 1:21 PM GMTIt's going to take a headshot to keep you down, Stott.
I will do my best from now on, for you Chip, not to reply to posts that are directed at me; I know it's naughty. Or will I? Can a one dimensional person actually learn and evolve?? It's a thinker alright.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 24 2010, 1:22 PM GMTI will do my best from now on, for you Chip, not to reply to posts that are directed at me; I know it's naughty.
*loads revovler*
Quote: chipolata @ November 24 2010, 1:24 PM GMT*loads revovler*
Sore loser.
I'm waiting, pull the trigger, God damn it.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ November 24 2010, 1:19 PM GMTNot sure why you were answering my post, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the people Bussell was replying to originally, which I don't think included you.
Sorry, I thought your post was aimed at me (and Nat).
My husband just purchased a JIC (Just in Case) Mossberg in the hopes of a proper Zombie Apocalypse. If not, he'll just use it for hunting.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ November 24 2010, 2:38 PM GMTMy husband just purchased a JIC (Just in Case) Mossberg in the hopes of a proper Zombie Apocalypse. If not, he'll just use it for hunting.
That shotgun is only good for hunting things that walk on 2 legs.
Quote: zooo @ November 24 2010, 3:23 PM GMTBirds?
I guess so, but probably mostly blokes.
He's wanted that kind of gun forever. My dad (a real hunter/gatherer type) has something similar that was made for him by a gunsmith friend. My husband fired it a couple of times and was hooked.
Quote: DaButt @ November 24 2010, 3:24 PM GMTI guess so, but probably mostly blokes.
Make sure you keep it extreeeeemely well locked up!
If I had kids and a gun I'd keep it so well locked up that it'd be impossible to get to in under 10 minutes, and render it utterly pointless.
I suppose I could train the kids to be efficient killers instead. With their teeth.
I wish I had a Zombie Apocolypse gun That would be the only scenario I would consider using one.
Quote: AndreaLynne @ November 24 2010, 2:38 PM GMTMy husband just purchased a JIC (Just in Case) Mossberg in the hopes of a proper Zombie Apocalypse. If not, he'll just use it for hunting.
If there's no crowbar in that tube it aint a zombie survival kit as far as I'm concerned.