I remember watching Hancock on TV as a kid and teenager. Always loved his stuff. Sometimes when I write I picture Him (not God, Hancock!) saying the lines (not that I suppose he ever would have read mine!)
Don't forget the power of the writers with Hancock as I reckon he was a consumate performer that worked better when he had great writers producing the script. Which he did have, of course, for his classic stuff.
I am not a Comedy Geek (thank Him, God this time) so I can't quote episodes, lines, colour of the tie he wore in "The Blood Donor" etc. (it was grey
) but Hancock was one of the greats IMHO.
I also thought he carried it off well in the movies too, my fav being The Punch & Judy Man. But I love the one he did as an artist too (whatever it was called!) The Artist? Dunno, geeks will know!