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I read the news today oh boy! Page 275


Quote: Leevil @ November 12 2010, 3:00 PM GMT

Could I be wrong in thinking some soldiers sign up, not with the main intention of fighting in a war, but to learn trades, skills and to straighten themselves up?

I agree with that.

Quote: Leevil @ November 12 2010, 3:00 PM GMT

Could I be wrong in thinking some soldiers sign up, not with the main intention of fighting in a war, but to learn trades, skills and to straighten themselves up?

The army used to run a TV ad with the tagline "join the army, see the world". No mention was made of getting blown to pieces or being murdered in Deepcut.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ November 12 2010, 3:04 PM GMT

I'm just waiting for the phrase "banana boats" to come up.

I've never had one. Are they tasty?


Many of them do indeed, but they know when they sign up, or very soon afterwards that this does not exclude them from fighting duties at all, they are still soldiers, even the medics and cooks have to carry their personal weapons around and be prepared for action. Some very famous battles have been fought and won by auxilary or supporting regiments when the infantry was nowhere to be seen. That is why they are trained for battle too.

Absolutely certainli in the US it's a?grezt route to gettung university funding

What a remarkable keyboard you have there, I thought mine was quirky!

After translating, it is here as well but only if you want to be an officer, so maybe this new fees hike is actually designed to get more bods in the army?

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ November 12 2010, 3:44 PM GMT

After translating, it is here as well but only if you want to be an officer

Really? There are no education benefits for enlisted troops?

I got something like $36,000 for college after I finished my stint in the Army in the 80s. I think it's up to $80,000 now. Some states will also allow vets to attend state universities at no cost.

I think they pay if you're disabled and need a new career

How the MOD does business isshocking

They don't pay much though, I did my diggers licence with a load of ex squaddies using their resettlement grant and about 2 grand was the max they were given I think. Only a few years back.

Quote: DaButt @ November 12 2010, 5:12 PM GMT

Really? There are no education benefits for enlisted troops?

I got something like $36,000 for college after I finished my stint in the Army in the 80s. I think it's up to $80,000 now. Some states will also allow vets to attend state universities at no cost.

I'm not an expert but as far as I know the Army will pay for trainee officers to get their degree on an Army scholarship and for technical civilian quals like driving and HGV licence, first aid, that kind of thing. But most of the Army training is inhouse and an army mechanic I believe may not be qualified to do an MOT on a civilian car, their electrical engineers aren't qualified to do electrical work on houses etc. I don't think. I've met infantrymen who've come out with nothing.

Our troops just get a monthly check to use at whatever school they choose to attend. I think most jobs translate directly to civilian careers; I'm still doing the same thing I did in the Army 25 years ago and making good money while doing it. I even work with several of my old buddies.

Quote: DaButt @ November 12 2010, 6:29 PM GMT

I'm still doing the same thing I did in the Army 25 years ago and making good money while doing it. I even work with several of my old buddies.

Contract killer?

Our troops should be at the cost of the EU, we're taking all the brunt of the cost to protect Europe. All the EU members should be paying not just the Brits, we'd be a lot better off but of course the aristocracy still think we're an empire....yeah, right

Those who fought in older wars were not all volunteers and did not want to fight. Not every man was capable of coping with what they had to do but if they refused they were punished. As far as I know they didn't have support afterwards and things like shell shock were thought to be a weakness. Some were treated as if they should be ashamed of their suffering.

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