Dear friends,have decided to pull my finger out and start a new thread so i can get lots of feedback from you..And, i am so obviously not the new kid on the block anymore no,indeed i could be regarded as a seasoned old pro on this here wonderful site.Not had a chance to say hello to the 'newbie's' so..Hello newbie's.
also a great opprtunity to share with you that its a month to the day when we will begin productin on 'Smalltime'
Absolutely cannott wait and have not been this excited about filming since i found out i was gonna be paid handsomely for shouting down Bowie's earhole!(please note,i did say EARhole!)
.Have made some magical new mates on this site and want that to continue,so will gratefully recieve any thoughts or feelings about Smalltime and also if anybody spots any odds and sods about the series please do share..Big Love,,Vincenzo!
a month to the day.
Nice one Vin. Good luck with the filming, me old mucka. Cannot wait to see the final product.
Hi Vinny,
Where have you been? Must be well over a week since we’ve heard from you.
Good luck with Smalltime, looking forward to it.
Any news from your mate about Early Doors Yet?
hello Barry!nice to hear from ya mate!no decision yet on early doors,but start work with John soon so will be snooping for you.. thanks for the good wishes on Smalltime,can't wait mate.