Martin H
Saturday 24th November 2007 9:42pm [Edited]
1,663 posts
Quote: Leevil @ November 24, 2007, 4:24 PM
I didn't see the show, but that type of ruthless piss-taking is the style of the show, is it not?
"We all like music - let's rip the piss out of it!"
It wasn't the usual type of piss-taking though, usually the jokes are the person's choice of career etc, but this was quite brutal for no real reason.
Quote: Aaron @ November 24, 2007, 4:33 PM
Catterick was devoid of jokes. Less funny than Mortimer's other tour de force, Tittybangbang.
And noticably they've not been given any sitcoms since, I don't think?
And Catterick was devoid of jokes and worse than Tittybangbang?!! What Catterick did you watch? Oh..I forgot you're a Jim Davidson fan, take all opinions lightly. ![:P](
Oh and just because you aren't given another sitcom doesn't mean that it wasn't good. Sean Locke hasn't been given another sitcom but 15 Storey's High is class.