British Comedy Guide

BCG Achievements Page 14

Nil by Mouth
A comment by Putters followed by another from someone with an alarmingly high post count.

The Gillian McKeith Award
A special joint award for any group of BCG members engaging in serious discussion re the merits of any pile of poo produced by another member.

The High-Rise Falls Flat

Repeatedly trying - and failing - to get a rise out of other members with some pointless remark that they've heard a million times before from other trolls. And not done very well - not even in the same league as Roodeye.

Baron Munchhausen
Any person claiming to have heard of BCG's Gillian McKeith Award a million times before when a search on the term suggests it has never before been used on this site,

Quote: Ming the Mirthless @ October 20 2010, 5:03 PM BST

Any person claiming to have heard of BCG's Gillian McKeith Award a million times before when a search on the term suggests it has never before been used on this site,

No, you're right, it's completely original. Well done you. :)

Trollover Beethoven

A troll so enteryaining no one actually carrd they're a troll.

Standing on the edge of one troll
An established member who often exhibits Troll like tendencies such as piss taking off topic posts designed to get attention.

Whistling nnocently

Copying Sootyj's intermidable range of reedits, tasteless gags and unfunny rants. Like some deranged Pete Docherty fan doing a heroin overdose in a public toilet.

King Trollo
A loveable troll who can't really annoy anyone

Too Many Sooty's - 10G

Out-of-control numbers of sketches coming in create fear and lower house-prices.

Bobble Borrower - 500G

Convince posters that other people's witticisms are your own.


I've always said the bobble thing was off telly! You cheeky bugger.

THE PROMOTOR OF ALL (COMEDIC) THINGS MODERN - I despise this type of poster with a fiercly burning passion that makes my dormant ulcer throb. They are usually trying to tell you that 'old stuff' is crap because it's old and they weren't around to see it. They are possibly jealous that they missed out on the best sitcoms and comedy dramas ever made and try to cover it up by suggesting without hesitation that things like The IT Crowd, The Mighty Boosh, Green Wing and Spaced are aknowledged classics that cannot be surpassed, which is utter crap that is so easily proved by sending them a short selection of true classic sitcoms from the 70s and 80s. Morning.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ October 21 2010, 11:20 AM BST

like The IT Crowd, The Mighty Boosh, Green Wing and Spaced are aknowledged classics that cannot be surpassed,

Who has said this? I'm sure most people, who like the mentioned sitcoms, such as myself, also like older sitcoms.

Rose Tinted Masses
Remembering 'the good old days' as being better than they were, especially where sitcoms are involved. *insert cheeky wink*

Taking the Off-fence-ive
Liking and accepting all forms of comedy and world views, and having no descernable views/testes/personality.

Great Big Fairly
Liking a bit of everything, regardless of age/content/demographic, whilst never pandering to popular opinion in order to keep the peace. Very rare.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 21 2010, 11:23 AM BST

Who has said this? I'm sure most people, who like the mentioned sitcoms, such as myself, also like older sitcoms.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 21 2010, 11:26 AM BST

Great Big Fairly
Liking a bit of everything, regardless of age/content/demographic, whilst never pandering to popular opinion in order to keep the peace. Very rare.

Not splitting up your ranting into sensibly-lengthed paragraphs, making people following a discussion stop and sigh before diving head-long into trying to understand what you're going on about then, having finished, sighing again and realising it really wasn't worth the effort.


Axe Grinders - Members who are more interested in pushing an agenda than discussing comedy. To them a sitcom isn't just bad, it's part of a liberal cancer destroying the country. Yawn.

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