Tony Cowards
Wednesday 20th October 2010 4:43pm
1,762 posts
Quote: Tim Walker @ October 20 2010, 5:03 PM BST
Where has anyone seriously suggested that the majority of McIntyre's fans are easily-pleased automatons wading deep in their own dribble? Because I've not seen anything like that on any of the MM-related threads, nor would I sanction such opinions. 
And people can't have it both ways. Why is it perfectly fine to imply/directly call members who are fans of less "mainstream" fare "comedy snobs"? Because I don't think that phrase is meant to be complementary. I smell double standards here.
Fair enough, I hold my hands up re. the "comedy snobs" thing but let's not forget that on the previous page of this thread MM fans were called "easily pleased thick c**ts".
I'm stepping away from this now as I'm not even a massive McIntyre fan, I just find it interesting the invective that he attracts from people who don't like him and think what he does is "easy" or "trite".
Personally I find Lee Evans, Stewart Lee, Bill Hicks and most of what Ross Noble does (to name but 4), about as funny as cancer, but I realize that they are talented at what they do and can appreciate a lot of their craft and hard work and appreciate that other people find them funny, this doesn't make those people wrong, just that we all have different comedy tastes.