British Comedy Guide

People Just Do Nothing

Episode 1 - No Sauce

Episode 2 - Pirate Radio

Episode 3 - Fight Fire With Fire


Moving this to Critique.

Thanks mate

No problem. I'll check it out tomorrow.

Your other thread has been deleted. Please don't create needless multiples!

Just watched these and I think the greatest compliment I can pay you is that I watched it all the way through, which is very rare as I tend to get bored quite easily.

Thought it was really well filmed and acted, some bits which really made me chuckle, all in all good stuff, very well observed.

It's very good but I thought work hadn't to be shown anywhere if you want to sell it, not even on You Tube

thanks for all the kind words


good stuff, envious of you're following.

Kind words

Quote: Swansonite @ October 20 2010, 4:33 PM BST

good stuff, envious of you're following.

thanks mate

one more up

new episode is up!

New Episodes up

Part 4 - The F Word

Part 5 - Music Vidjeo

Special Music Video 'Get Out The Way'



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