Found this site while looking around the web for tips on writing comedy and hoping to pick up lots of info and hints in general. You can also find me on:
Many thanks.
Hello there!
Morning. Any chance of free tickets? No harm in asking.
Hello Chipolata, thank you for the smiley face and no but I do like your profile picture Alfred!
Hello and welcome.
Hello to you too and thanks for stopping by.
Hi. Welcome.
Can we call you B.O.G?
Welcome, Boxofficegirl. I'm trying to guess what your ticket-issuing-related superpower might be.
Hello Shaggy, Nat and Tim, thanks for taking the time to drop by.
The answer to your question Tim is: PHENOMINAL but don't let that come between us and the start of a beautiful friendship:-)
Whatever floats your boat Shaggy although a few bloggy friends have resorted to Boxy which is easier to type.
Hey!! Show me your funnys!!
You show me yours and maybe we'll talk turkey.