British Comedy Guide

BCG Achievements Page 12

Quote: Nil Putters @ October 16 2010, 10:42 AM BST

It's what they're worth I think. 25gold etc.

I think it's gold anyway... Errr

After reading up, it's achievement points towards your Gamer Score, hence the 'G'. :)

Ahhhh. Thanks!

Ringu Post

A legendary post that will cause anybody who reads it to die within five working days.

The 'Unholy Alliance'
A brilliant but unpopular writer has his work posted by a popular but talentless accomplice to widespread critical approval.

The 'Heaven's Gate'
Mass suicide by members realising they have praised the work of an Unholy Alliance.

Agent Provoca-turd

Comedy snob. Ugly. Mentions agent at every opportunity.

Here's One I Botched Earlier

Made something REALLY shit?

Then post it in the 'Look What I Made' thread, and soak up reams of fake praise, such as 'You're an effing genius' etc.

Interesting. Oh no wait the other thing.

That some of your artwork in your avatar, Don?

No, it's a sketch by one of my favourite cartoonists - Pete Emslie.

I guess shit is subjective.

The 'Teflon Tommy'
Any person who regularly makes posts that would have other posters banned in the twinking of an eye and yet is seen simply as a mischievous wag.

'Word Blindness'
Highly-infectious occular condition, rife on Internet forums, which causes readers to react, when awarding praise or blame, to the author of a post rather than to what is written.

'Word Blindness Blindness'
Self-inflicted mental condition, rife on Internet forums, which causes otherwise intelligent and honest readers to lie to themselves and to others about both the existence of word-blindness and their own infection.

The Invisible Plan

Post then delete it before anyone can see it.

Crossed Wires

Merge real life with the virtual one and think all this really matters.

The Old Codger award

For harking back in pain-staking detail about what it was like before the Internet existed, when computers were as big as houses and consumed as much electricity as a small town, apart from those that ran on steam of course and all films were in black and white (in fact all vision was black and white, we didn't have any colours back then, you know) and food was rationed so you couldn't get sweets except a huge Wagon Wheel once a year at Christmas and the snow in winter was ten foot deep except where the horse dung had melted a hole in it, of course and people knew how to spell your and you're and knew when to use the right one of them.


The reaving of the Shire, disapearing off for a little while to work on new script project. Only to have computer die and get a DVT (being success fully treated) so sticks head back in BCG. And finds no ones writing any sketches or any time wasting worst of threads.
How ever his last project posted up has been comprehensively trashed.

Considers buggering off to discuss foreigns on BNP discussion forum

2 weeks and you're back. I'm sure someone must owe me £50.

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