Sunday 17th October 2010 2:22pm
9,161 posts
Quote: Timbo @ October 17 2010, 12:00 PM BST
i wouldn't know, though I would have thought that reading from a script was part of the basic skills set of an actor; anyway, if you can do them, it is a shed load of money for a morning's work, which was my point.
You're quite right, you don't know.
The thing is, they get paid what they're worth.
No advertiser is going to pay a load of dough if he doesn't think he's going to recoup it many times over.
They're good at something and they get paid well for it.
I think on the whole, the public are pretty forgiving - unless it's an absolute shocker - then it's desath by association.
Plus you'd be amazed at the number of people who don't recognize a voice-over - even the really big names.