Quote: Aaron @ November 23, 2007, 11:04 AM
Frankie, some of your logic is hilarious. Why should the "mistakes" of the past have any consequence about how someone feels about something now?
And I'm not even going to start on the argument that you shouldn't be proud of something you have no control over.
(In any case, patriotism doesn't necessarily equate to being 'proud', certainly not in the context in which you're applying it.)
Mistakes of the past are of course TOTALLY relevant to how we should feel now.
Look at any of the current problem areas in the World today and then look at their history. If you actually know what has happended in the past, actually care about anything at all and you have a brain cell or two available, then that would affect the way you feel now.
Of course, that might not include you, Aaron!
Patriotism and pride ALWAYS but ALWAYS go together hand in glove, have you not noticed that?
As you don't want to even start on the argument that you shouldn't be proud of something you have no control over, I must assume you have no opinion worth bothering with!
Quote: Cinnamon @ November 23, 2007, 11:44 AM
If your argument is correct then why should the glories of the past have any effect on how people feel now? If British citizens are proud of their national heritage then they surely must be ashamed of much of it. Britain has built a few castles and won a few wars in its time but it has also been responsible for slavery and imperialism on a vast scale.
Of course, you may be entirely indifferent to the past Aaron but why do you take any national pride?
I love Britain because it's home to me, but if I had been born in Finland then I doubt that I'd curse the universe for denying me the opportunity to be British.
Hear! Hear! I am British but my love is for the World not for Britain. In reality national boundaries and national pride and prejudices are a total nonsense not worthy of anyone who deigns to call themselves 'human' (as opposed to 'animal')
Animals can be very territorial, maybe some of us are more animal than we like to think? Maybe all of us..
There are literally millions of people in the World whose very existence is at risk everyday of their lives and we are 'proud to British' ... what utter CRAP is that pride!!!
Eng-land, Eng-land uber alles!!!