British Comedy Guide

Female comedians Page 8

Quote: buyon ferry @ October 14 2010, 3:54 PM BST

Do you think the best comedians out there,or of all time, are male because there is more of them?The tone of that sentence may come out harsher than intended.

Can't you see how the term 'best' is subjective?

And can't you please start adding spaces after commas and full stops? :( Pleeeeeease.

I doubt that we'll ever solve the why are Men funnier than Women conundrum.
It's like one of those how did they Build the Eiffel Tower questions, it may be fun to speculate but we'll never know the real answer.

Of course it is all subjective and opinions will be different on either side but I honestly think the best female comedians really can't compete with the best male comedians. There will be female comics who are better than male comics but it does sound like you think there is a force trying to keep female comedians down. It is hardly fair to say "you have more in the field so you will dominate the leader board"? Female comics do get credit.

It may have come a long way but they do tend to fall back on same stereotypes even today.

Sigh. I give up.

I am actually going to top myself now.
Over spaces.

Goodbye cruel world.

You sir, are an idiot.

Also, stop ignoring Zooo, and have respect for board rules.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 14 2010, 4:14 PM BST

I doubt that we'll ever solve the why are Men funnier than Women conundrum.
It's like one of those how did they Build the Eiffel Tower questions, it may be fun to speculate but we'll never know the real answer.

Your posts are always the best posts :D

There are good reasons why many people choose not to ask why chess champions are overwhelmingly neither black nor female.

It's because unpalatable truths, although true, are unpalatable.

And so it is with the 'Which sex is funnier?' question.

Quote: Ming the Mirthless @ October 14 2010, 4:43 PM BST

There are good reasons why many people choose not to ask why chess champions are overwhelmingly neither black nor female.

It's because unpalatable truths, although true, are unpalatable.

And so it is with the 'Which sex is funnier?' question.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 14 2010, 2:26 PM BST

Don't Feed the Troll
Accidentally getting drawn into a long passionate debate only to be discovered you've been lambasted by a troll.


This thread needs to be nuked.

quod erat demonstrandum.

A good comedian helps the audience think.

A bad comedian helps the audience not to.

This thread appears to have been started with the sole intention of winding up the female community and the 'right on' section of our male community by publishing an unpalatable truth.

As I said, it's never productive of anything but ire and venom.

I like to think myself as someone who sees a good balance of comedians, but I've realised that when it comes to seeing women stand-ups I can count them with one hand - Sarah Millican, Josie Long, Jo Caulfield, Sue Perkins and Danielle Ward - which is frankly crap. I really need to see more women comics.

Come see me, I'm quite good :D

I think the argument that female comedians aren't as funny because they just aren't, isn't enough. I think it has to do with it being easier to laugh at men. I also would say less attractive people are more likely to get laughs.

Apologies to zooo for punctuation slips.

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