British Comedy Guide

Will Young and Will I am meet at a party

Will Young:
Hi, Will I am?

Will I am:

Will Young:
I am Will

Will I am:
No, it's Will I am

Will Young:
No, I am too!

Will I am
Almost, it's Will I am, and there's no too!

Will Young:
No, sorry, you mis-understood. I am Will

Will I am:
No YOU mis-understood. It's Will I am

Will Young:
No, I am Will too

Will I am:
You've almost got it, but then you went and put a too on the end again.

Will Young:
Look, my name is Will Young. I'm going to have a number 1 record next week

Will I am:
Oh Will You

Will Young:
Nearly.... it's Will Young!

On the surface, it's just a little bit of verbal jiggery-pokery and, as such, it's quite smileworthy.

At a deeper level, it's suggesting that music-people as cool as haven't heard of Will Young - which makes it even funnier.

Unless, of course, you're a Will Young fan in which case you shouldn't look beneath the surface.

Nice idea. I'm struggling to figure out what medium (other than written) it would work in though.

I honestly have no idea who Will I am is. It sounds like a character out of Dr Seuss.

Quote: Timbo @ October 8 2010, 6:52 PM BST

I honestly have no idea who Will I am is. It sounds like a character out of Dr Seuss.

Will Cam I am.

Nice idea
Made me laugh, good stuff.

Quote: Will Cam @ October 8 2010, 8:53 PM BST

Will Cam I am.


Made me laugh too, I can imagine it being acted out

Just thought I would bump this because I thought it was funny when I was lurking, I would have nominated it as one of the sketches of the year, it was very well executed I thought.


They don't know who Will I am is <----- look at the age of me and I know who he is. And then there is Fergie Grrrrrrrrrrr

I think there's a better way to do it, but good idea and nice start.

Nice. Has an Abbott and Costello feel to it.

Cheers for the Bump and comment Corey. I've been away for a while

Nice to be back

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