British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 238

As approved of by the IDF!

Seriously though their dead easy to use I even managed to use one.

(prepares to get banned by a sore and irate Aaron).

Quote: zooo @ September 27 2010, 10:13 AM BST

Seriously though, stealing a DVD player deserves death?

I wouldn't chase a guy running away with my DVD player and gun him down, but if I were home and someone broke in I'd shoot him without a second thought.

I'm bowing out of the conversation at this point.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ September 27 2010, 10:22 AM BST

I'm bowing out of the conversation at this point.

And I'm going back to bed. Not sure why I'm up at 4 a.m. anyway.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ September 27 2010, 10:15 AM BST

I'm genuinely staggered.

We've had this conversation many times on here, I think it's a genuine difference between American and British culture.

We think they're mental, they think we're pussies. :D

Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 27 2010, 10:37 AM BST

We've had this conversation many times on here, I think it's a genuine difference between American and British culture.

We think they're mental, they think we're pussies. :D

It kind of makes sense. In a nonsensical sort of way Laughing out loud

I may well burgle and possibley bugger every one on this site to gay to defend their property.

Which is a shame as I wanted to steal Dabutts beer.

Quote: bigfella @ September 27 2010, 9:10 AM BST

I am on Radio Sussex shortly talking about paying people to lose weight. Anyone got any views?

£5 or every pound they lose. Every ounce they put on = drinking a pint of prison sperm (sex offender wing).

How pleased journalists, covering the Labour leadership race, are with themselves to discover that Ed rhymes with red.

The more sophisticated witty wordsmiths on TV and in the press are already turning their attention to Scottish Labour leader Ian Gray who is a bit dull.

UK Segway owner dies. By driving his Segway off a cliff.

Quote: youngian @ September 27 2010, 1:15 PM BST

How pleased journalists, covering the Labour leadership race, are with themselves to discover that Ed rhymes with red.

Too true to be that funny. All my daft Tory colleagues will doubtless be trotting that out for the next five years, parrot fashion.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ September 27 2010, 2:25 PM BST

Too true to be that funny. All my daft Tory colleagues will doubtless be trotting that out for the next five years, parrot fashion.

Your colleagues should have lived in Bedford a few years ago when they had a radical mayor called Frank Branston. How they could have laughed every time he got in a pickle.



His running mate is called Ray Piste.

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